
The first area of dental treatment is general dentistry. This area of dentistry is focused on ensuring that you have good oral hygiene and dental health. General Dentistry ensures that you do not have any issues such as cavities or gum disease. It covers a wide range of treatments and takes a look at your overall dental health and needs. General dentistry also use restorative procedures to repair the effects of tooth decay, trauma, defect or disease in different areas of the mouth.

General dentistry focuses on treatments that are necessary for long-term dental health. A lot of people visit a dentist when they’re in pain. Or perhaps when they are looking for a radical change, often aesthetic. Before you can even opt for a radical change, it is essential that your dental health is in good condition. Regular check-ups are one of the best forms of preventative dental care. Leaving problems untreated can lead to complications in the future. It is a much better idea to start now and deal with any problems early. This avoids you having to deal with them at a later date. Oral health maintenance also prevents the development of serious dental problems. This includes brushing, flossing and eating healthily in your daily life.

At Madden Dental, we provide each patient with a treatment plan based on the results of your routine exam. Your personal treatment plan is a road map to your dental health. It lists any details of treatments required and the prices involved. All of pricing inside and outside of general dentistry is transparent and honest. We want our patients to know exactly what they need to plan for financially.

Restorative Dentistry

Madden Dental offers comprehensive solutions and high-quality results when providing restorative dentistry. The professional, well-trained team at Madden Dental will produce restorations unique to your mouth and situation when providing services like:

  • Dental Fillings
  • Dental Bridges
  • Dental Crowns
  • Dental Bonding
  • Dentures
  • Dental Implants
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Emergency Dental Care

Broken or missing teeth can become whole and healthy once again when you see our dentist for this quality care. Book a Free Consultation to our office if you want to receive restorative dentistry.

We are pleased to offer high-quality restorative dentistry at our practice. Restorative dentistry is a specific branch of dentistry that is focused on restoring the health and function of your smile following tooth damage, tooth decay, or tooth loss. We offer a number of restorative dental options to meet your individual dental needs. Whether you are missing one tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth, we are here to provide you with the restorative dentistry solutions you need. We also offer options for restoring significantly decayed or damaged teeth.

When you visit our Madden Dental office, our caring dentist will carefully examine your smile. Based on this examination, our dentist will be able to provide you with the best possible recommendations for restoring your smile. Through restorative dentistry, you can gain or regain a smile that is healthy, functional, and beautiful once again. Our restorative dentistry options are comfortable and natural looking, so you can feel confident in how your smile looks and functions. Gain the confidence you need to smile, speak, eat, and laugh effortlessly again!

Dental Implants

Losing a tooth can seem like it’s not a big deal, but many issues can occur once that happens. Bone loss in the jaw, other teeth shifting to create a bad bite, difficulty chewing, and more often result. But the good news is how many wonderful treatment options there are, starting with dental implants.

A Healthier, More Complete Smile

Dental implants are the ideal way to replace lost teeth. From the front of the mouth, where they are most visible, to the back, where they provide stability to chew a full variety of foods, implants can help you recapture a beautiful and healthy smile.

Unlike bridges or removable dentures, which sit on top of the gums, dental implants are placed under the gums. The “tooth” placed on an implant appears life-like, because it comes through the gums just like the original did. The post implanted in the jawbone replicates a real tooth, stimulating the jawbone to prevent bone loss and the sunken, aged look so many people develop after losing teeth.

Single Tooth Implant

Teeth can be lost for many reasons. Gum disease is the most common, but trauma, sports injuries, accumulated damage, and infection can also lead to the loss of a tooth. When one tooth is lost or removed, it can lead to ongoing issues. The other teeth move around and can loosen, causing a domino effect on the rest of the teeth. It can affect your bite – the way you chew – as well as the way you talk and look.

A single tooth implant can be used anywhere in the mouth. It’s a permanent replacement that is strong, durable, and undetectable from the rest of your teeth.

Bridge Implants

A regular bridge is made of crowns placed over existing teeth, with a prosthetic in the middle to fill the gap made by multiple missing teeth. A bridge implant is secured by permanent posts instead, making it more stable, more hygienic, and more natural-looking. The bridge supports the remaining teeth, helping keep your oral health more stable and you looking younger.

Complex Cases

Every patient is unique, so every treatment plan is personalized and customized. Whether you have one missing tooth or several, Dr. Zaman is an expert at providing the best possible solution to save your existing teeth and replace those that are already lost or can’t be saved. You won’t believe your new smile!

Don’t live with missing teeth any longer! Call (059) (9143957) or email for a no-obligation implant consultation today to determine your suitability for dental implants

Preventive Dentistry

Our team at Madden Dental is passionate about providing the care that improves your oral health, and we are pleased to offer preventive care. We provide comprehensive treatment plans to strengthen the health of teeth and gums when providing services like:

  • Dental Hygiene
  • Dental Health Check (DHC) Includes small x-rays if required
  • Plaque Control appointment scale and polish
  • GMS Plaque Control appointment
  • Children’s Dental Health Check (Preschool and primary, includes 1 CCC Session)

Our dentist and team provide excellent customer care at our comfortable office when we prevent dental problems from harming your smile.

The goal of preventive care is to protect your smile from damage caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease (gum disease), and other damaging dental conditions. Preventive dentistry works to prevent these diseases before they cause damage that requires repair. We offer a number of preventive dental treatments to help you keep your smile in the best possible health. These services include dental sealants and dental cleanings; visiting our office regularly ensures that we detect and treat any early signs of damage before they become more extensive and painful.

There are several steps you can take to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Our dentist recommends that you follow these guidelines to help minimize your chances for developing cavities:

  • Brush and floss your teeth every day. You should brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Maintain a balanced, healthy diet with a limited amount of very sugary or acidic foods.
  • Visit our office at least twice a year for a routine teeth cleaning and dental exam.
  • Ask your dentist about dental sealants and fluoride treatment to see if they are right for your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Our dentist can improve the shape, color, and position of your teeth.  We offer some of the most advanced technology and high-quality materials at Madden Dental when performing cosmetic procedures like:

Dental Veneers
Teeth Whitening
Our dentist will take the time to enhance your smile so you can look more beautiful and feel more confident. Contact our team today if you want to benefit from our cosmetic dentistry.
Cosmetic dentistry includes several dental treatments; the aim of each of these treatments is to enhance the beauty of your smile. Through cosmetic dentistry, we can help you achieve a more beautiful, inviting smile that boosts your self-esteem and allows you to smile with confidence.

We may suggest cosmetic dentistry for any of our patients who would like to improve the beauty of their smile. Cosmetic dentistry might be the solution you need if your smile is flawed by imperfections such as:

Cracked, chipped, fractured, or broken teeth
Gaps and spaces between teeth
Discolored, yellowed, or stained teeth
Slightly misaligned or uneven teeth
One or more missing teeth
Teeth that appear too long, too short, or too pointed
Very worn teeth
Misshapen teeth

Our dentist will help you choose one or more of our high-quality cosmetic dental treatments based on your personal needs and desires. This individualized treatment plan will help you accomplish all of your goals for the smile of your dreams. We invite you to contact our friendly dental practice today to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how we can improve your smile’s appearance. We look forward to helping you reach the attractive, healthy smile you deserve!